Über Notation

„Das Ausbilden eines folgsamen Spielens nach befehlsgebenden Symbolen führt in letzter Konsequenz zu jenen klassisch gebildeten Musikern, ‚die ohne Notenblatt nichts spielen und nichts singen können‘. Die eigenschöpferische Kraft zum Klangentwerfen wird mit der Akzeptanz des graphischen Zeichens ‚Note‘ als einer expliziten Anweisung zum Musizieren gehemmt, wenn nicht gar völlig eliminiert.“

Norbert Schläbitz: „Die Turing-Galaxis“ (2022), S. 262ff

Songlyrics: “Pentachrome” – Dennis Schütze

I don’t know what it meant to you,
Sure meant a lot to me,
I walk about and look around,
Pentachrome is all I see,
I can’t go back and can’t go on,
I’m stuck here like a stone,
The landscape that’s surrounding me,
It shines in Pentachrome.

Five colors all-around of me,
Black, red, grey and blue,
Another that’s a mix of all,
The colors we once knew,
I don’t know what it means to me,
I can’t quite grab the tone,
I’m lost in and surrounded by,
The hues of Pentachrome.

I don’t know what it means to me,
I can’t quite grab the tone,
I’m lost in and surrounded by,
The hues of Pentachrome.

Dennis Schütze: Jan/Feb 2023

Über Krieg in Europa

„Maybe I could live by my wits. The eight-hour day was impossible, yet almost everybody submitted to it. And the war, everybody was talking about the war in Europe. I wasn’t interested in world history, only in my own. What crap. Your parents controlled your growing-up period, they pissed all over you. Then when you got ready to go out on your own, the others wanted to stick you into a uniform so you could get your ass shot off. […]

The war. Here I was a virgin. Could you imagine getting your ass blown off for the sake of history before you even knew what a woman was? Or owned an automobile? What would I be protecting? Somebody else. Somebody else who didn’t give a shit about me. Dying in a war never stopped wars from happening.”

Charles Bukowski: „Ham on Rye“ (1982), S. 325